Bryan High School Athletics

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Football Game Day Information

Welcome to the Merrill Green Stadium,


Merrill Green Stadium (formerly known as Viking Stadium) is located at 3310 Oak Ridge Drive, Bryan, Texas 77802 situated in the tri-section of Briarcrest Drive, Oak Ridge Drive and Campus Drive.


Tickets booth open one hour before game time.


Seating Capacity: 9,800


Suface: Artificial turf


Viking fan Seating: West side of the stadium. Viking fan entrance is on the southwest corner of the stadium located on the Campus Drive side. Viking student fans entrance is on the northeast corner of the stadium located on the Briarcrest Drive side. Reserve seating sections are located in Sections E-L. All seating is aluminum bleacher style.


Visitor's Seating: East side of the stadium. Entrance is on the southeast corner of the stadium located on the Oak Ridge Drive side. All seating is general admission. All seating is aluminum bleacher style.


Field Access: Only authorized persons will be allowed on the field, in the field house or in the team areas before the game, at half-time or after the game. Authorized persons are team coaches, staff/faculty, trainers and those persons with a press, side line, or video pass.


Visiting Football Teams: Football teams should park and unload athletes at the field house parking lot located directly behind the field house. Visiting teams will use the JV dressing room accessed from an outside entrance on the south side of the parking lot. There is a taping area located in the dressing area. Teams should use the outside entrance to access the ramp to the football field. After equipment has been unloaded and taken to the field via the southwest entry ramp, equipment trucks and coaches vehicles should be moved to the adjacent parking lot.


Uniformed Groups: All uniformed groups (band, cheerleaders, drill team, spirit groups, ROTC members, etc.) should enter the stadium on the southeast corner of the field using the ramp located adjacent to the field house with their sponsors. Buses/vehicles should unload and park in the lot located across the street from the field house off Oak Ridge Drive (adjacent to the baseball field).


No vehicles will be allowed on the field and/or track.


Sideline Passes: All persons on the sidelines who are not in uniform (i.e. - school photographers & journalists) must have a sideline pass. Passes are issued by the Assistant Athletic Director (979)209-7993.


Pressbox Passes: Persons working for the press, vidoetaping for the team and/or scouting may use their media or coaches pass to get entry. Space is limited, please contact the Assistant Athletic Director (979)209-7993 for reservations.


Victory lines: Victory lines shall be limited to uniformed groups.


The BISD Athletic Department enforces a no drugs, no alcohol, no weapons, no tobacco, no pets rule for all BISD facilites at all times. Thank you for your cooperation.