News 3 Sports would like to congratulate our latest Classroom Champion, Nico Bulhof. The Bryan High School Senior has a 5.2 GPA, and is currently ranked 3rd in his class.
“He’s about as calm, cool, and collective as they come. He’s easy going. You can’t tell when there is any pressure with him. He’s just the same level all the time. He’s taking college Math classes at the moment because we can’t offer him anything here anymore. He’s taking all advanced courses, he’s playing football, and I’m sure he’s involved in many extracurricular things. Other than that, never a sign of pressure, he’s just even kill the whole time.” - Robert Richards, Teacher
“For him, he’s definitely a lead by example kind of guy. You now the thing that’s great about him is when people look to him to do something. You know, they know, he knows what he’s talking about because he’s very analytical about the way he thinks through things. So they know that he knows the right answer, so they look to him for that. But he also you know does the right things when he’s supposed to. So, it helps him in terms of being a leader because he’s that example all the time, and he’s the perfect example of that behind the scenes quiet leader. But, at the same time when it’s time for him to step up and tell somebody what to do, they know that it means something from him because he knows what he’s talking about.” - Nelson Kortis, Coach
"To handle the pressure I usually try to do all the small things. Like staying healthy, getting enough sleep and managing my time well. Also, it’s sort of like the saying, “Every journey starts with a single step.” I take things one step at a time and I don’t try to dwell too much on the bigger picture," said Bulhof.
After high school, Nico wants to attend either MIT or the University of Chicago, and he wants to study Math.
Congratulations to Nico Bulhof of Bryan High Sch... Click here to read full article